
1.After a federal election, which party forms the new government?

聯邦大選 後,哪個政黨組成新政府?

  • a. The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power. 選舉產生代表最多的政黨成為執政黨
  • b. The Queen picks a party to run the government.女王挑選一個黨來執政。
  • c. The Governor General proposes a law for elected officials to become the governing body.總督提議一項法律,選舉民選官員成為理事機構。
  • d. The Premiers of each province pick a party to run the government. 省的省 長都參加投票,選舉一個政黨為執政黨

2.Approximately how many Canadians served in the First World War?

在第 一次世界大戰中大約服役了多少加拿大人?

  • a. 7000.
  • b. 8 million. 800 萬.
  • c. About 60,000. 約六萬
  • d. More than 600,000. 超過 60 萬.

3.From where does the name “Canada” come?


a. From the Inuit word meaning country.來自因紐特語是國家的意思.
b. From the French word meaning joining.來自法語單詞加入的意思.
c. From the Metis word meaning rivers.來自梅蒂斯語,意為河流。
d. From “kanata” , the Huron-Iroquois word for village.來自休倫易洛魁族語,”kanata” 一詞中指村莊.

4.Give an example of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community.


  • a. Mind your own business.沒關系
  • b. Have a party.舉行一個派對。
  • c. Keep your property tidy.保持財產整潔.
  • d. Join a community group.加入社區團體.

5.Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada.

a. In schools.在學校.
b. In the workplace.在工作的地方.
c. In the Parliament of Canada.在加拿大議會中.
d. At City Hall.在市政廳.

6.Give the first two lines of Canada’ s national anthem?


a. O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command 哦,加拿大!我們的家鄉和我的故土 !愛國真心,統領您眾女.
b. O Canada! Our province and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command.哦,加拿大!我們的省和祖國!愛國真心,統領您眾兒女.
c. O Canada! From far and wide, 0 Canada, We stand on guard for thee.哦,加拿大!來自五湖四海的我們,衷心守護您!
d. O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.哦,加拿大!我們衷心守護您。

7.How are Members of Parliament chosen?


a. Appointed by the Prime Minister.由總理任命。
b. Elected by Canadian citizens.由加拿大公民選舉.
c. Appointed by the Queen.由女王任命。
d. Elected by the Provincial Ministers.由各省省長選舉產生

8.How are Senators chosen?如何選擇參議員?

a. By the Governor General of Canada.由加拿大總督任命.
b. By the Premiers of all provinces.由各省的省長任命。
c. Appointed by the Queen.由女王任命.
d. They are chosen by the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General. 他們由總理提議,由總督任命.

9.How does a bill become a law?法案如何成為法律?

a. The Lieutenant Governor must approve the bill.省督必須批準該法案。
b. Approval by a majority in the House of Commons and Senate and finally the Governor General.下議院和參議院的多數票通過,最後由總督批準.
c. The Queen must sign the bill.女王必須在法案上簽字。
d. Approval by the Members of the Legislative Assembly.立法會議員批準。

10.How is the government formed after a federal election?聯邦大選後政府如 何組成?

a. The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power. The Queen chooses the Prime Minister from this party 選舉產生代表最多的政黨成 為執政黨。女王從該黨中選出總理
b. The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power. The leader of this party becomes the Prime Minister.選舉產生代表最多的政黨成為 執政黨.該黨的領導人成為總理.
c. The Governor General picks a party and a Prime Minister to run the government.總督打她一個政黨和一個總理來領導政府.
d. Each province elects one representative to form the government. The Queen then chooses the Prime Minister.每個省選出一名代表組成政府.然後,女王選擇總理.

